
Reducers are pure functions that takes the previous state and an action, and returns the next state.

(previousState, action) => newState;

Exported store state

Redux REST Resource will manage the state for you and store related data inside it. You have state-related booleans (like isFetching) that enables smooth UI feedback.

import {initialState} from 'redux-rest-resource';

initialState ==
    // FETCH props
    items: [],
    isFetching: false,
    lastUpdated: 0,
    didInvalidate: true,
    // GET props
    item: null,
    isFetchingItem: false,
    lastUpdatedItem: 0,
    didInvalidateItem: true,
    // CREATE props
    isCreating: false,
    // UPDATE props
    isUpdating: false,
    isUpdatingMany: false,
    // DELETE props
    isDeleting: false,
    isDeletingMany: false

Last updated